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  • Plan Engaging Professional Learning
    • Strategies to Stretch Student Thinking
    • Differentiation for Advanced Learners
    • Cognitive Rigor 
    • Collaborative Teaching Practices/Coaching 
    • Social-Emotional Learning (Gifted/Advanced)
    • Advanced Strategies for English Language Arts 
  • Speak at a Conference
  • Consult with your school about Honors/Advanced/Gifted Programming
  • Learn more about graduate programs at Lipscomb University to study with Emily.
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Dr. Emily Mofield is an Associate Professor at Lipscomb University, teaching courses in the Gifted Education and Advanced Academics Program and the Ph.D. and Ed.D. Programs in Leadership. With over 20 years of experience in gifted education as a teacher, district leader, and researcher, Emily is passionate about developing high-quality resources to equip teachers to identify, serve, and support gifted and high-potential students. Her work focuses on curriculum, differentiation, social emotional development, and collaborative teaching practices for promoting access and equity in gifted education.