With over 24 years of experience in gifted education as a teacher, district leader, and researcher, Emily is passionate about equipping teachers to support and challenge advanced learners. Emily also works with schools to support teachers in applying these strategies with scaffolds to support all types of learners.

Emily is an award-winning author, writing books in gifted education, research, and articles for NAGC, ASCD, and AMLE. She provides professional learning and consults with school districts and organizations regarding honors programming, access to cognitive rigor, coaching and collaboration, and differentiated instruction.

Emily loves working with teachers to share concrete ways to elevate instruction! She has worked with teachers across the country in 27 states about differentiation, cognitive rigor, and strategies that stretch student thinking. She has presented her work for colleges, universities, and both private and K-12 schools around the country.

Emily tailors presentations and workshops to the needs of your group. For a list of sample topics and opportunities, please check out the professional learning page.

Books cover topics such as differentiation, collaboration and coaching, curriculum design, social-emotional learning, English Language Arts curriculum and more.

Looking for a great starting point? Check out free resources including Stretch Prompts, Bumping Up Blooms, and a Schema Board, resources from varoius publications.